Introduction and Characterization of Local CU Wire as A Reducing Media for CHN Analyzer

Author Details

Ahmed Easa, Ahmed Abou Elezz, Ahmed Elkhatat, Saeed Al-Meer

Journal Details


Published: 24 January 2019 | Article Type : Research Article


A new reaction tube was tested for CHN content in six different ranged standard materials by using a CHN analyzer based on the local copper wire as a reducing agent. The obtained results using the local copper wire were too close to the theoretical values with very low variability (<4%) between replicates and very high accuracy (98-101%). Scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and Raman analysis instruments were displayed a data close to the high pure standard electrolytic copper (manufacturer reaction tube). It is observed that the physical properties of a local Cu wire are identical with standard electrolytic copper. It concluded that local copper wire s has efficient and might be used as a reducing agent in CHN analysis.

Keywords: Reaction tube; local copper wire; CHN content; reducing agent; standard materials.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Ahmed Easa, Ahmed Abou Elezz, Ahmed Elkhatat, Saeed Al-Meer. (2019-01-24). "Introduction and Characterization of Local CU Wire as A Reducing Media for CHN Analyzer." *Volume 3*, 1, 5-9